proposal home industry

Proposal Home Industry "CRISPY FOOD"

A. Background
Effort is something that  form of money and can meningkatk between a person's life for more baik.Suatu badanu saha that we run can generate profits, or income as much as possible, we run business bermanfaatdan hidup.Selain advantageous in welfare, in running the business must follow the laws of economic rational norms and customs in the business world so that it can help the development that are dilaksakan by the government. In order to meet the needs of society, the government not only works sendiri.Tetapi also wide open for private parties to participate meet the demand for basic needs are increasing.
Trading activity, an economic component and a means to meet the basic needs of society, then I took the initiative to open a household enterprises engaged in the production of fried, are made from starch flour kanji.Tepung many once found in the area lush with plants cassava flour kanji can also be made or cooked into anything according to our wishes.

Household enterprises engaged in the production of fried foods made from these raw materials Kanji, I named the business of the household "CRIPSI FOOD" B. RencanaLokasi Enterprises
Location concerted effort to manufacture Cripsi, will be produced in the villages and towns desan C. Target Customers
Target customers for the sale Cripsi are all elements that are on campus and in the market. D. Type of Business
Businesses that will I manage is a household business (home industry) that produce fried foods made from starch. E. Obstacles and Support
Any business that is run, there are successful and some are not successful just like this business. There are some things that I think would hamper and very supportive in running this business.
A. inhibiting factors include:
1. Many of his business the same
2. The price of raw materials which unstable.
But I am already planning to solve the problem of the inhibiting factors among which carefully manage every budget funds will be issued. Meanwhile, to address the second factor, namely the price of raw materials is not stable, I work around this by buying raw materials directly to local farmers in order to get a cheaper price.
B. Factors supporting this effort include:
1. The condition of the place and adequate equipment
2. Hygienic and relatively affordable price
3. It is one of the products that are sought after by consumers. F. AnalisisSwot
• Strength (strength)
1) Have HR with a good work ethic.
2) Hargaprodukekonomisdanhigienis
3) Innovation of different flavors with other products.
• Weakness (weakness)
1) Lack of capital to run this business
2) The price of raw materials which unstable.
• Opportunity (opportunity / chance)
1) Place strategisdalampenjualan
2) Budayamasyarakat consumptive
• Threat (barriers)
1. The number of competitors engaged in the same
A. Facilities and Production Equipment
In this our business activities using the facilities obtained from its own capital, as follows:
Gas stove 1 piece
Frying pan 1 piece
Filtering 1 piece
Basin 1 piece
Pan 1 piece
Casserole 1 piece
Plastic 1 pack
B. Raw Materials
The raw materials we use are: Petrik
Materials Total Price
1.5 Kg flour Rp. 6000, -
Flour Kanji ¼Kg Rp. 2000, -
Salt 1 Wrap Rp. 1000, -
Seasonings - Rp. 5000, -
Cooking Oil 1 Kg Rp. 11.000, -
Total Rp. 25.00, -
C. Production Process
1) Prepare the flour and starch.
2) Combine flour and cornflour in a bowl or container that has been provided.
3) brewed with boiling water to taste.
4) Stir the dough on hingg amerata.
5) Once the dough has thickened create a way in gelenggeleng forming an oval circle.
6) Boil the dough that had been made earlier in boiling water disedikan
7) Remove and drain.
8) Shut the few moments later Gorenglah one by one.
9) cripsy became to be able to enjoy the input spice that is so scary.

1) RencanaProduksi
a. JenisProduk: Cakes (fried "cripsy")
b. JumlahProduksi: 300 grains
2) Aspect Capital
a. Bahanbaku Petrik
Materials Total Price
1.5 Kg flour Rp. 6000, -
Kanji flour ¼ Kg Rp. 2000, -
Salt 1 Wrap Rp. 1000, -
Seasonings - Rp. 5000, -
Cooking Oil 1 Kg Rp. 11.000, -
Total Rp. 25.000, -
3) PerhitunganKeuntungan
§ Sale Price: Rp. 1000, - / pack (8 seeds) x 37 = Rp. 37.000, -
§ Raw Material Purchase Price: Rp. 25.000, -
So the benefits are
: Rp. 37 000 -25 000 = Rp. 12.000, -
As a good entrepreneur, I'm not going to let this business run horizontally. I will continue to try to improve the quality of my work, so that enthusiasts and consumers are satisfied on the cake (fried) that I created. Because if the quality of the cakes I'm not in this business to increase most likely will not go forward, and threatened bankruptcy. B. CONCLUSIONS
I think this business can thrive and will achieve success. I am very confident that this effort will go forward and continue to grow because it is done by people who have the quality in carrying out any work. I am aware that these efforts will directly growing rapidly but I will continue to strive to continue to run and develop this business.
Thanks hopefully useful
by syahwal

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