kue   brownies

A. Background
Effort is something form that can make money and improve one's life for the better. We can generate profits or income as possible. Starting a business in any field, we must know the market opportunities and how to hook the interest of the consumer. Able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors and the extent of our ability to compete with them in terms of price, service, and quality. Prepare mentally and courage in starting a business, Get rid of the barriers of shame, fear of failure between desire and doubt. Must be prepared to face the risk of his job, has been taken into account means that the risks taken are not too high or too low.
Many people who want to create an event or activity is simple and efficient. For example, in terms of food preparation and dish. Usually they prefer to buy food from the make your own by reasons of time and effort.
So most of them prefer things that are instant. The existence of tight competition in the food market did not deter me to try to produce a food that is not less interesting to instant food, and certainly able to compete in the food market. I bernisiatif make Cake Brownies Chocolate is food made of flour. Foods that taste sweet, textured soft to the tongue.

A. Vision Enterprises
Strengthening entrepreneurial values ​​in man or entrepreneurs, so they can compete in a globalizing world.

B. Business Mission
1. Introducing Brownies Chocolate Cake products to the general public through the event opening a new business.
2. Measure the achievement of the business within a specific period.
3. Develop innovations both in products and services that are expected to understand consumer behavior,

C. Analysis of Business Opportunities
 Proposal for Brownies Chocolate Cake in the SWOT analysis covering the advantages (strengths and opportunities) and disadvantages (weaknesses and threats) with a variety of indicators as follows:
- Strength (Strength) with indicator:
a) The price of food is very reasonably priced Rp. 1,500
b) Product quality is assured
c) The manufacturing process is easy and simple
- Weakness (weakness) with indicator:
a) Prices of raw materials are relatively uncertain
- Opportunity (Opportunity) with indicator:
a) Purchasing power is high relative to food
b) Many people who like sweet cakes as an entree guest
- Threat (Threat) with indicator:
a) Competition is tight
b) The existence of similar products
c) Consumer tastes are always changing - change has a great influence on the purchase of products

D. Marketing Mix
1) Product: chocolate brownie cake products are 40 pieces made with attractive packaging appearance.
2) Price: Cake Brownies price is very affordable for all people
3) Place: the distribution sites I entrust Cake Chocolate Brownies through the crowded stores, school canteens school
4) Promotion: I promote brownies through face to face, a color brochure to attract buyers.

E. Calculation of Capital and Pricing
The raw materials required in the manufacture of chocolate brownie cake cheese sow and costs are as follows:
a) Calculation of Capital
- Flour Pondan 1 17,000
- Brown 1 rod 6000
- Egg 5 5000
- Blue Band 3000
- Butter 2000
- Cheese 6000
- Gas 3000
- Power 3000
- Cup 3000 +
- Cost 48,000
- Gain 15% 7,200 +
- 55,200 Selling Price
b) Sales Price Calculation
Of the capital calculations can produce as many as 40 pieces of brownie cake so that the selling price of 55,200 apiece: 40
1380 (1500)

F. Calculation of Loss and Gain
Sales Results 1500 x 40 pieces = 60000
Cost 48,000 -

G. Financial Analysis
I founded this effort has financial financial analysis for business development. Capital I spend Rp. 48,000 to purchase Cake Chocolate Brownies as many as 40 units. The cost of the cake Rp. 1200 and I want to gain as much as 15%, or 180 per piece. So the selling price of Rp. 1380, when rounded to Rp. 1,500. overall profit to Rp. 12,000
With the financial analysis we can find out how our advantage preformance start this business.

H. Conclusion
Whatever the business to be run must consider all kinds of views or the opportunities that exist .. The challenge for young entrepreneurs who are always required to be able to adapt to business competition is very tight. Moreover advantage that we get do not need a lot a lot, we just need that many consumers in order to purchase a continuous.



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