
1. Background
In order to meet the needs of society, the government not only work alone, but also opens wide for the private sector to meet the demand berpartisifasi basic needs of people are increasing.
Effort is something that can produce a form of money and can improve one's life for more baik.suatu we run enterprises can generate profits, or income as much as possible, we held a useful business and menguntungkandalam welfare. In addition, in running the business must follow the legal-rational economic law and the norms of customs in the business world so that it can membantupembangunan being dilaksakan by the government.

2. The purpose of business
Coffee is one type of plants that live in the Indonesia.Tanaman grown in the highlands with cold air as well as the area where I live there are many varieties of coffee grown there from arabica to tugusari.Kopi has benefits for humans are as nutritious beverages for our bodies, but it is used also as a mixture of food or the cake.To make it necessary to make a coffee processing helpful.
Our goal do deploying this is our effort to learn entrepreneurship, to get the benefits to be useful for survival, and also to open up new jobs. This effort aims also to improve the economy of the community, because with this effort we can give jobs to people who do need pekerjaan.selain of seeking profit, these efforts can foster a sense of pride from the regional community Sidikalang in particular, because they were given by God natural resources that can be utilized to meet the necessities of life.
3. Overview of business
Business pembutan coffee powder covers of coffee pengglingan process, mengoven coffee, grinding it into a powder and the powder packed in containers.

1. Design
 In this business the most important is the raw material such as coffee after that we prepare a place for grinding machines, ovens and drying this product kopi.supaya continue then we must do the stockpiling of raw materials for the coffee tree can not bear fruit continuously but can only be fruitful within one year.
 The technology used is simple, appropriate technology.
 The uniqueness of this product is in terms of taste because the taste is everything. The taste of this product is different from others because the original powder without the mix at all.

4.Daya competitiveness
To improve the competitiveness of the market then we will offer original coffee powder by stating that it does not contain coffee powder mixtures altogether as mixed with rice or corn.

1.Segmen market
Market segments we are headed is all .Pasar market elements to be achieved is a market-level economic areas ranging from middle-down or middle-keatas.produk also have to follow the current market trend by making packing products that attract buyers
2. Price
The price of these products compete with each other at a price of Rp 24,000 per kg to Rp 6,000 to ¼ kg
3.Strategi marketing
The marketing strategy is done by distributing these products every related areas, especially areas with cold temperatures suitable for coffee beverages tersebut.selian area that needs to be installed mediated past an advertisement like newspapers and radio product that is known to many people.

 We're doing a variety of ways to promote these products ranging from memasokan to agents, opened his own shop near the factory, mengiklankanya through the mass media newspapers and radio
• .Kepemilikan business:
Business ownership is done by way of partnership is to cooperate with the lain.cara is considered the most appropriate because in terms of capital will be more ringgan and also in terms of distribution easier because we already have kerjsama with various parties.
• Analysis of the place
The location for powder manufacturing plant located in the area that is away from the settlements, because the plant will produce high noise other than that we chose the place in rural areas as well as close to raw materials, the price of land there is quite cheap. The location of this business is in jln.Sisingamangaraja No 112, the village of three new districts downstream Dairi gotu kola, and we named "COFFEE POWDER MANTAP
a.Keyamanan in service
b.Pekerja professional

• Tools, equipment and supplies
1.Jenis Tool
d.Tempat trash
 a.Mesin grinder
 coffee b.Oven
 a.Sepatu boot
 b.Sarung hand
•             Financial plan
1.Biaya directly:
a.Gedung mill Rp 10,000,000
b.Mesin grinder RP 2,500,000
Coffee c.Oven Rp 2,000,000
Another d.Perlengkapan Rp 700,000 + Total USD 15.2 million
2.Biaya indirect month:
 a.Bahan to 1000 kg of raw coffee @ 1000 X 10000 RP 10,000,000
 Add b.Bahan Rp 1,000,000
 c.Kemasan product Rp 500,000 + Total Rp 11,500,000
 Total expenditure = direct costs + indirect costs
 + = Rp 15.2 million to Rp 11,500,000
 = Rp 26.7 million
3.Biaya operation of each month:
 Raw a.Bahan Rp 10,000,000
 Add b.Bahan Rp 1,000,000
c.Kemasan product Rp 500,000
 d.Listrik Rp 200,000
 e.Penyusutan Rp 500,000
f.Operasi 500.000g.Gaji employee sales at Rp 1.2 million (for 2 people per month)
+ Number of USD 13.9 million
 Note: 1 kg to 0.7 kg of powdered coffee coffee
 Means to 1000 kg of coffee produces 700 kg of powder
 Market selling price of Rp 24,000
 So the gross profit: 700 X 24 000: US $ 16.8 million
 Net profit: gross profit - operating expenses
 : Rp.16.800.000 - Rp.13.900.000: Rp 2.900.000

4. Business ratio
Capital: profit
Rp.26.700.000: RP 2.900.0009,2: 1

• So its profit by 10.8% of the capital within a period of 1 year have returned capital
Wet Coffee Processing Method (Fully Washed)
Stages of coffee processing wet method can be seen in the following scheme:
Harvest Select -> Peeling skin coffee HS -> Dried Beans Sorting -> Drying -> washing -> Fermentation -> Peeling the skin of red fruit -> Sorting fruit -> Packaging and storage

1. Skin Peeling Fruit Coffee
Peeling the skin of the fruit is done by using tools and machines fruit skinner (pulper). Pulper can be selected from the basic material made of wood or metal. Water flowed into the cylinder along with fruit to be peeled. Coffee fruit should be separated on the basis of size before peeled.

a. fermented Coffee
1. Fermentation is generally carried out for Arabica coffee processing, aiming to shed the layers of mucus that is the skin surface horn coffee beans. In addition, fermentation reduces the bitter taste impression and encourage the formation of "mild" the taste of Arabica coffee brew.
2. This fermentation can be made wet by soaking the beans in a puddle, or fermented dry way by storing coffee beans HS wet in clean plastic container with holes at the bottom or cover with coffee beans piled HS in cement tanks and closed with the sack.

b. washing
• Washing aim at eliminating residual slime fermented on the skin horn.
• For small capacity, the washing is done manually in a tub or bucket, while the large capacity engine needs to be assisted.

c. Drying
1. Drying aims to reduce the moisture content of coffee beans HS from 60-65% to a maximum of 12.5%. At this moisture content, the coffee beans are relatively safe HS
2. Packed in sacks and stored in a warehouse in tropical environmental conditions.
3. Drying is done by means of drying, mechanical, and a combination of both.
4. Drying is the most convenient and cost for drying coffee beans. The drying can be done on the rack or drying floor. Profile drying floor sloped approximately 5-7 o the meeting point in the center of the floor.
Drying in this way should be done in groups because it requires equipment and a considerable investment and executive personnel are trained. With mechanical dryers operate continuously day and night with a temperature of 45-500 C, it takes 72 hours to reach a water content of 12.5%. The use of high temperatures above 600 C for the drying of Arabica coffee should be avoided because it can ruin the flavor. As for Robusta coffee, usually beginning with a higher temperature, ie until 90 - 1000C with a time of 20-24 hours to reach the maximum water content of 12.5%, (heating shorter), because if too long, the color of the surface of the coffee beans tend brownish for Robusta coffee takes 20-24 hours to reach a water content of 12.5%.

d. Coffee skin stripping HS
Peeling is intended to separate the coffee beans from the parchment skin that produce coffee beans rice. Peeling can be done by using a pulping machines (huller). Before placing pulping machines (huller), coffee beans drying result cooled first (tempering) for a minimum of 24 hours.

a. Peeling the fruit skin
1. The process of stripping the skin of fruit (pulp) is equal to the full-wet method. To be peeled well, to be precise ripe coffee cherries (red) and the sorting is done before the peeled fruit, ie manually and using water to separate the fruit attacked by pests.
2. Stripping dapan using a pulper of wood or metal. Distance cylinder by cylinder paring should be regulated in order to obtain good results peelings (intact, leather mix drinks) some pulper types require water to aid the process of stripping.

b. Fermentation and Washing
1. To facilitate the cleaning process, the beans are fermented HS need for an overnight or more. When used tool-washer mucus, the fermentation process can be passed.
2. The fermentation process is carried out dry in a plastic bag or a container of clean plastic.
3. After overnight fermented coffee HS washed manually or using a washing machine (washer).

c. drying early
• Drying the beginning intended to achieve a certain level condition dryness of the skin of the horn / shell so easy to peel, although the condition is still relatively wet beans.
• The drying process can be carried out with the drying for 1-2 days until the moisture content reaches approximately ± 40%, with a thick layer of coffee is less than 3 cm (usually only one layer) with the base of the tarp or a cement floor.
• The coffee beans behind and forth every ± 1 hour so that a uniform level of dryness.
• Keep the coffee during drying.

d. Peeling bark horn / shell
Peeling bark horn / shell on the condition of the coffee beans are still relatively wet can be done using the huller is designed specifically for the process. So that the skin can peel the skin condition should be fairly dry, although the condition seeds that are inside are still wet:
1. Make sure the huller clean, functioning normally and free of materials that can mengkonyimasi coffee before use
2. Perform stripping immediately after drying / initial drying of coffee HS. When it is the night before peeled coffee HS should be dried again shortly until quite dry kulip back
3. Set rules coffee huller and the flow of materials in order to obtain optimum stripping process. A certain amount of skin portion is shipped together with coffee beans pumpkin seed out of the outlet. It is not really a problem, because the portion of the skin is separated by blowing air (aspiration) after the dried coffee
4. Coffee beans pumpkin must be dried out, avoid storage of coffee beans are still moist because it will be attacked by fungi that can damage coffee beans either physically or flavors, and can terkontiminasi by mycotoxins (okhtratoksin A, aflatoxin etc.)
5. Clean huller after use, so that the remnants of the coffee and the skin is still damp and moldy not left behind in the machine.

e. Drying coffee beans pumpkin
1. Drain the beans pumpkin result of drying or stripping by using mechanical drying machine
2. Rules thick expanse of coffee beans is less than 5 cm, use a plastic mat or tarp or latai cement. Avoid drying is directly above the ground.
3. Turn them so that the process of drying the coffee mass uniform and faster.
4. Complete the drying process to achieve 11-12% grain moisture content usually takes 3-5 days under normal conditions
5. Avoid storing coffee beans that have not been dry in less than 12 hours, karenaakan damaged by fungal attack.

f. Packaging and storage
1. Pack sack of coffee beans using a clean and nice, and labeled in accordance with the provisions of SNI 01-2907-1999. Save pile of coffee in the warehouse clean, free from foreign odors and other contaminants
2. sacks labeled to indicate the type of quality and identity of the producer. Cat to label using non solvent oil.
3. Use a clean sack and away from foreign odors
4. Set the sacks of coffee on wooden base and let the boundary wall
5. Monitor the condition of the seed during storage of the condition of their water content, security against interference organisms (mice, insects, fungi, etc.) and other factors that can damage the coffee
6. Several factors must be considered in your warehouse are: moisture content, relative humidity and cleanliness of the warehouse.
7. Humidity barn room should be 70%.

“Thanks hopefully useful”


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